愛-Vey! One Year Ago . . .
One year ago, on this date, we had a pretty awesome Chewish wedding.
In the last 364 days, we bought a house and moved in together after almost fifteen years of long-distance dating; one of us started an exhausting medical residency, while the other had on-again, off-again relationship with a Ph.D. from hell; our families celebrated weddings and reconciliations and survived difficult illnesses and hospitalizations . . . .
With so many changes and crises, it's been a challenging year in so many ways. But somehow we laugh . . . a lot. And even when there are tears, we manage not to feel alone.
We're not always capable of being our most charming selves with one another. But somehow we love each other, even when there are occasions when we might not like each other.
One year ago, on this date, we had a pretty awesome Chewish wedding. But somehow even if that day had sucked, what's important now is that we have a pretty good Chewish marriage.
Because that's really what matters, right?
Happy anniversary to my husband! And happy anniversary to all the other 3/28/09 couples! One year down, a lifetime more to go . . . . Read more...