愛-Vey! You had me at . . . eggroll.
Once the ceremony was over, Mr. HC and I, per Jewish custom, giddily scrambled off to yihud. Yihud means "seclusion," and it refers to a tradition in which a newly married couple spends a bit of time on their own immediately after the ceremony. In ancient times, this is the first time the couple would be alone with one another and when they'd get it on for the first time.
In honor of the custom, Mr. HC and I engaged in some hot and heavy activity of our own . . .

by ravenously devouring the plate of hors d'oeuvres that had been delivered to the yihud room for us. Over a platter of sushi, satay, and fried artichokes, we giggled over the amazing and wonderful fact that we were married!

Meanwhile, our guests were enjoying a festive cocktail hour full of Chewish delectables, including mooshu duck, smoked salmon on blini, yaki soba served in Chinese takeout containers, and sliders. (Ok, there's nothing Chewish about sliders, but food in miniature is just so darn delicious!)

Some managed to drag themselves away from the food and drink long enough to pick up their escort cards, which were laid out under the orchid arch that Kate created. Kate also put together darling cocktail vignettes of giant peonies and dahlias nestled in Chinese teapots and bamboo steamers, but sadly we can't seem to find any close-up photos of them.
After we emerged from yihud, there was a lot of this:

And some of this:
Photos by Leigh Miller Photography, Luna Photography, and Della Chen Photography.